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Grade 4 Standards and Performance Indicators

RSU 5 Standards and Performance Indicators

Grade 4


Habits of Work


  • Respect: respect for the ideas, feelings, and property of others


  • Preparedness: timeliness, organization, homework completion


  • Engagement: participation, interpersonal involvement, group-work


  • Determination: ability to self-assess; persistence, effective use of feedback



Foundational Skills

Phonics and Word Recognition

  • Knows and applies grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
  • Uses context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.


  • Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.

Writing Production

  • Handwrites with appropriate alignment and size, form, neatness and spacing.
  • Applies keyboarding skills to produce work.


  • Demonstrates use of suffixes and prefixes and how they change a base word.


Narrative Reading

Literal Comprehension

  • Summarizes the parts of the story that relate to what is read.
  • Summarize a book in a way that shows knowledge of the important aspects of the story, including the story elements.
  • Identifies the characters—their traits and wants— and recaps important events using sequence and cause-effect words or uses a problem-solution structure.
  • Identifies and can discuss the big ideas/themes that the story teaches.

Interpretive Reading

  • Understands that theme applies to most of the story, and provides evidence of the theme across the whole text.
  • Identifies characters' complexities, notices how characters change, and  compares and contrasts various aspects of the story.
  • Supports thinking with exact details and examples from the text(s).

Analytic Reading

  • Reads and chooses to let the story reading spark ideas. Those ideas might be about the world, other people, a topic read about, or the story itself.
  • Develops ideas by paying attention to the text.
  • Uses ideas as a lens for rethinking or rereading.




Informational Reading

Literal Comprehension

  • Summarize as a way to hold onto new learning, says the main idea(s) of that part and links it/ them to related points.
  • Selects points that are especially important to the idea.
  • Uses the primary structure(s) in the text to grasp what it teaches (e.g., if it is organized as a main idea or supporting points or a claim and reasons, he can use either structure to help himself determine importance and select supporting details).
  • keeps  own opinion separate from the ideas presented in the text.

Interpretive Reading

  • Collects and merges information and ideas from several texts in a way that makes a new organization for the combined information.
  • Identifies similarities and differences in how information on a topic is treated across different texts, including craft techniques used, focus, and perspective.
  • Identifies primary vs. secondary sources.

Analytic Reading   

  • Develops own ideas about what is read. Those ideas might be about values, the world, or the book.
  • Ideas are grounded in text-based information and ideas, and draw on several parts of the text(s).
  • Raises questions and larger theories about the topic or the world during reading and rereads with those questions in mind,  leading to new insights.
  • Thinks and writes things like “Is this always the case?” or “Could it be . . . ?” The reader is not afraid to think in new ways.           



Narrative Writing


  • Writing is organized according to purpose using techniques such as leads, transitions, introductions and conclusions


  • Elaborates with details, reasons and examples.
  • Demonstrates age appropriate elements of craft such as word choice, dialogue, and feelings


  • Applies spelling and punctuation in written work


Informational Writing


  • Writing teaches readers different things about a subject, groups information into sections, uses paragraphs and sometimes chapters to separate sections. Each section had information that was mostly about the same thing.
  • Uses headings and subheadings.


  • Writing is organized, uses compare/contrast, cause/effect, or pro/con.
  • Writing includes  diagrams, charts, headings, bold words, and definition boxes to help teach readers


  • Applies spelling and punctuation in written work


Opinion Writing


  • Writing includes a claim about a topic or a text and tries to support reasons.
  • Writing is separated into sections of information using \paragraphs.


  • Writing includes reasons to support an opinion to convince the reader.
  • Writing  includes examples and information to support reasons, perhaps from a text, prior knowledge, or life.


  • Applies spelling and punctuation in written work


Speaking and Listening

Comprehension and Collaboration

  • Engages effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, builds on others' ideas and expresses their own clearly.

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

  • Reports on a topic or text, tells a story, or recounts an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speaks clearly at an understandable pace.
  • Creates audio recordings and visual displays presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes.
  • Differentiates between contexts that call for formal English and situations where informal discourse is appropriate; uses formal English when appropriate to task and situation


Operations and Algebraic Thinking

  • Uses the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems
  • Identifies factors and multiples within 100
  • Generates and analyzes patterns

Number and Operations in Base Ten

  • Uses place value and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic

Numbers and Operations - Fractions

  • Extends understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering
  • Builds fractions from unit fractions by applying understandings of operations of whole numbers
  • Understands decimal notation for fractions and compare decimal fractions

Measurement and Data

  • Solves problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements
  • Represents and interprets data
  • Understands concepts of angles and measures angles


  • Draws and identifies  lines and angles
  • Classifies shapes by their properties

Communication and Reasoning

  • Demonstrates Standards for Mathematical Practices



Demonstrates Understanding of Science Content

Demonstrates Scientific Practices


Social Studies

Demonstrates understanding of social studies content

Applies social studies processes, knowledge and skills



  • Singing
  • Playing Instruments
  • Reading music
  • Listening


Physical Education

  • Participates in physical fitness activities
  • Demonstrates a variety of sports skills
  • Demonstrates cooperative skills during physical activities.



  • Demonstrates understanding of art concepts
  • Demonstrates creative problem solving
  • Demonstrates art skills



  • Demonstrates understanding of concepts taught